Saturday, 29 October 2022

Make a Difference

It's time to stand up and be counted!
The time to sit back on the sofa waiting for someone else to make the first move is over!
Nothing will change if everyone keeps sitting back waiting for someone else to do something.
Yes, the world is a big place with many big players in control of certain things but doing nothing is not the solution.
Saying "I'm only one person and there's nothing I can do" is taking the easy way out!
One person can change the world, even if it's something small which changes one person's world by helping them in some way!
If enough people make a positive change to the world around them and made a difference in their own way, all those little things
will "join together" and become something greater!
Instead of burying your head in the sand and saying "I alone can't do anything" think of what you can do to make a change!

Steve Jobs said, “The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.”
There are more people out there who want to change the world than people realise!
Unfortunately, they are stuck in the belief that "one person can't change the world"
Today it is more important than ever for people to realise that those who want to change the world outnumber those who don't!
If we all stand together against those who wish to control and oppress the masses, we can make a better world for all!
There are many things happening in the world today which are geared at making life very difficult for the majority of the people of the world.
That can all be changed, if enough people are willing to do something about it!
The 1% who "control" the world do so for their own benefit!
It's time for the 99% to wake up and realise that the world is designed to work against them and not for them!
United WE can stop the 1% from pulling off the plans they have in store for US, divided we will ALL lose in the end!
Think about your children and children's children!
What kind of life do you want them to live???